:D Pretty excited about getting an MRSM boarding offer. But the sad fact I got MRSM Pengkalan Chepa in KELANTAN, one of the rural states in Malaysia and I think Pengkalan Chepa is quite a distant from Kota Bharu, the capital state. I was very excited to know the fact that I got the offer then I went from that to the valley of dilemma... Should I go or not?
If I go, then I'll leave everything behind including my friends and my beloved school. If I turn down the offer, I'll be missing a chance in a lifetime. My whole family is telling me that I should NOT go, due to the fact that it's very far away and the school is located in a not-so-modern place. Yes, they got the point and I thought the same. However, (hell!) it's my only chance on going to a boarding school. I kinda like want some changes in my education life. It might be bad, but... Yeah, it is going to be bad. Probably no Internet (which mean no blogging, e-mail etc), bad food, and no more shopping!
According the their website, the requirement is at least 8 A's so I take that as MRSM Pengkalan Chepa is a nerd school. Few of my friends called me last night, they said they got offers from northern region MRSMs so they are not that far from Alor Star. I'm (currently) the only one who got an offer from Kelantan! I'm supposed to be in school right now but the doctor gave me one day off because of my fever. I guess I should check with my friends tomorrow and see whether they wanted to go or not.