A Very Good One

Phew... The first day of Raya (yesterday) was very, very busy. After the prayer we already got some peoppel coming to our house. They were my neighbours, who was invited by my mom earlier during the prayer at the mosque. My sister already set up the table because she didnt't go to the mosque for the prayer. My mom made "Mi Kuah" with squid, fish balls and cakes and cow's ribs. It was very delicious. My grandma on the other hand, made Tomato Rice with Beef Curry, pineapple salad/acar and Beef Rendang.

After the neighbour group, my grandma, uncle and his family came to our house. They ate and we went to the graveyard to vist my grandpa's grave. Unfortunately, the graveyard is flooded, since it's been raining around the northern region started last week. So then, my grandma went back with my uncle while my family went to my father's uncle. We stayed there for about 45 minutes and ate "Laksa", as usual for Hari Raya every year. Ugh, I'm getting sick of it.

At night, my father's employees came to our house. I think my mom only served cokkies as the "Mi Kuah" was insufficient. So that's all for Day One. Few hours ago, my long-time-no-see cousin from KL came. She came with his husband and she's 29. Bleh, I missed my chance :P Tomorrow probably a family from down-under, Sydney.

Duit raya? Heh, my index stock is down this year. Like I don't get alot, campared to few years back. Probably I have to start giving kids duit raya in two years time. I only get RM150... which I usually get RM300 five years ago and I was 10 at that time.

1 comment:

rainingheaven said...

sorry for the late wish
selamat hari raya!!