Holiday in Sabah
Oh yeah, it's been awhile since the last time I post. I just got back from Kota Kinabalu on Wednesday and I can't post right away because the Net was down due to the earthquake in Taiwan. Anyway, the holiday was very nice and sunny. I went there for five days, did a lot of things; shopping, beach, mountain. I slept at the airport on Friday night because our connecting flight was on the next morning, cheap flight from MAS.
So here are some of the photos I took. I like it there, it was very nice and sunny. The people are great; very polite and friendly.
The jetty at Manukan Island.
Beach at Manukan Island.
Me at Mount Kinabalu, three hours away from Kota Kinabalu.
What my sister and mom bought at the nearby night market and the whole Kota Kinabalu.
0 comments Labels: holiday, photo, shopping
RM400 is a blink!
Yeah, I spend RM400 on new bike today. I went to a bike store in the city and bought this new bike:
I saw this bike on last Sunday, after I was supposed to pick up my grandma and uncle with her daughter at the airport, but they missed the flight since the flight was so early at 7.30AM. LCCT is pretty far from Kuala Lumpur. Anyway, I told the bike store guy my budget was RM300-400, then he recommend that bike to me. I went back home, thought about it and brought this home. He gave me RM380, add another RM20 for aluminum pedals. RM400 is pretty much a good deal.
The bike has WTB tires, Kore handlebar, Shimano gear and other stuff I don't know. The frame is made from aluminum and it has forks too! I'm going to ride it to the park tomorrow, yay!
My new expertise?
Since the last few days, after the school is over, I've been cooking in the kitchen for the whole week. I know I can cook but yesterday was a breakthrough. I baked a cake! Yes, a cake! It's not something very unusual but it was my first time and it turned out to be very delicious. I made a simple coffee microwave cake, got it from the microwave-oven's recipe book. Very easy.
Today I made another one for my mom. My mom didn't get to taste the first one because my sister and I ate about 3/4. The second one was very special. It was a coffee cake with almonds. Yum yum! The other day I made roast potatoes. Very delicious and simple. The ingredients are potatoes, oil, salt and pepper, and garlic for some flavor. You could always put some oregano.
Seriously, these breakthrough made me really excited in trying other dishes. Another news, my mom is leaving for Padang, Indonesia tonight. Gosh, why everyone disappears when I'm the one who in the school holidays?
3 comments Labels: day to day
Wedding season just started
As soon as the school holidays started, the wedding season will start too. I just don't understand the equation: School holidays = Wedding season. I just got back from a wedding reception in Alor Star. It was my friend sister's wedding. I came there late as everyone today was so busy and need the car. my dad had lunch with his client etc. I didn't meet any of friends since I came there late and took very little amount of photos. Here they are:
The cake, which was very beautiful and nice
The bridal stage (pelamin), very common in Malay wedding receptions.
Throughout the holidays, there are more wedding receptions on the list. So I'm going to gain weight due to the fact that Nasi Minyak is waiting for me...
0 comments Labels: current issue, event, photo
What are the plans?
I don't know. I'm talking about plans for this coming school holidays which already started few hours ago. I went to school today and found out like half of the school was absent. I was like WTF this morning when I saw the school was clear.
So the plan, so far, going to Kota Kinabalu in December, which I already mentioned on my last post. I'm not sure if I'm going to make it on PMR result day since I will be in KK 22-27 December. I heard few dates for the result day including those in between 22-27 December. I just hope that I'm going to make it on that day. I got a wedding reception coming up this Saturday in Taman Uda. And guess what? A stupid reunion this Sunday!! Primary school reunion on Sunday at City Plaza, and the most hated person will be there. I thought I'm going to be in the flight to Padang this 22 November, but my mom is going there with her colleagues. Too bad, but I don't really care because they're going there with AirAsia which is not my airline.
My grandma already on the bus to KL, and left me here with my sister, again. Unfortunately, she had to go there because my uncle's maid ran away, which I think usual thing that would happen if you take an Indonesian maid. So my grandma has to take care of her grandchild, the cute Aleesya because her father is going to Jakarta tomorrow. It's sad because why the maid had to run away? She was very polite, obey, loyal etc. yet she ran away. Did I mention that she took my uncle's Sony Cybershot T5? That just so not right.
2 comments Labels: day to day, event, holiday, school
On My Way to KK
I just got an e-mail from Malaysia Airlines. The e-mail has my round trip tickets from Alor Star-Kuala Lumpur-Kota Kinabalu. I'm going to KK with my sister and meet my mom there since she would be there on the few days early flight because she has something to do with her office.
I'm so excited to go to Kota Kinabalu. It would be my second time travelling to East Malaysia and my first time to Sabah. I went to Sarawak in 2003. We're going to stay there for five days. I checked MAS' website and I'm going there on Boeing 737-400 :( I don't like 737, I like 747 and 777. I've been on 747 and it wa great. At least I'm going there, better than not going anywhere.
0 comments Labels: day to day, holiday
Boring Day at School
I went to school today, like usual and IT WAS BORING! We did nothing beside playing cards, chatting, mobile phones etc. I brought along my camera with me and took some photos, since I've knew the right way to take photos. So here they are:
My friend made Blackjack deck tower/pyramid/whatever.
Some tree I took next to my class.
0 comments Labels: photo, school
Fresh from Me!
I'm sure you're already notive the new look for my blog, again. I think this is going to be very long before I change it again. I dropped the "by yit4s" phrase because I think no one owns another TIAB, right?
So, I just discovered an amazing function on my camera. Well, not discovered, but told by a blogmate. He said that I should use the Macro function and I used it to experiment. Experiment was a success. Too bad, the macro function takes like half of my camera's battery life. It's Fujifilm Finepix F420 by the way. Here are some samples:
My cat, Mimi, getting awake from his sleep.
My mom's rusting silverware, which is not made from silver :P
Pouring water into a glass.
Comments would be very appreciate.
2 comments Labels: blog, day to day, photo
Thank You 8TV!
I received these in the mail yesterday:
Two months ago, I called 8TV Quickie on a weekend with Rina picked up my call. She was with Sasi The Don. Duh!! I was like very excited. It was my first call to TV station and it went on air, like my voice was on the national TV! So I answered the question which was what is the first single from Beyonce's new album. I answered Deja VU, which of course even kindergarten kids knew about it.
The prize is Tommy Hilfiger True Star Gold for women (very sad, I had to give it to my sister), Beyonce's B'Day and other BMG label albums (Brian McFadden's Irish Son, Shawn Colvin's Greatest Hits, Planetfunk).
47 comments Labels: day to day, entertainment, photo
A Very Good One
Phew... The first day of Raya (yesterday) was very, very busy. After the prayer we already got some peoppel coming to our house. They were my neighbours, who was invited by my mom earlier during the prayer at the mosque. My sister already set up the table because she didnt't go to the mosque for the prayer. My mom made "Mi Kuah" with squid, fish balls and cakes and cow's ribs. It was very delicious. My grandma on the other hand, made Tomato Rice with Beef Curry, pineapple salad/acar and Beef Rendang.
After the neighbour group, my grandma, uncle and his family came to our house. They ate and we went to the graveyard to vist my grandpa's grave. Unfortunately, the graveyard is flooded, since it's been raining around the northern region started last week. So then, my grandma went back with my uncle while my family went to my father's uncle. We stayed there for about 45 minutes and ate "Laksa", as usual for Hari Raya every year. Ugh, I'm getting sick of it.
At night, my father's employees came to our house. I think my mom only served cokkies as the "Mi Kuah" was insufficient. So that's all for Day One. Few hours ago, my long-time-no-see cousin from KL came. She came with his husband and she's 29. Bleh, I missed my chance :P Tomorrow probably a family from down-under, Sydney.
Duit raya? Heh, my index stock is down this year. Like I don't get alot, campared to few years back. Probably I have to start giving kids duit raya in two years time. I only get RM150... which I usually get RM300 five years ago and I was 10 at that time.
1 comments Labels: day to day, event, holiday
Selamat Hari Raya/Happy Deepavali
Tomorrow is the last day of fasting month for Muslims. We're going to celebrate Hari Raya this Tuesday!!! After we've been fasting for a month, now we are going to celebrate in a joyful of Hari Raya. Not to forget for the Hindus, Happy Deppavali. I love Murukkus. My grandma made them since Malaysia is celebrating Depparaya.
Since last week, my grandma, sister and I had been busy making Raya cookies, especially since my sister bought a new microwave oven early this month LOL Basically, we made grandma's recipe of Biskut Manik, Dahlia and Kacang. No stores or shops sell Biskut Manik, it is the original recipe. It has colourful sprinkles on top and easy to make yet still delicious :D Mr grandma also made Murukkus, another original recipe snack and fried nuts with garlic.
Also in last week, I've been busy helping my mom setting our new, renovated living room and kitchen. My parents did the floor and wall in the living room and cabinets in the kitchen. We had so much to do with the living room. I had to hang the curtains, mop the floor etc. The best thing is my brother and I hung the cookerhood on top of the stove. Mom bought more teak furnitures yesterday, they were on sale. The store was like crazy with housewives picking up things. This is year probably the most expensive Hari Raya ever, tittle taken form the year 2001 :P
As for me, I didn't go to the tailor for my Baju Melayu as I only wear it on Hari Raya. My mom and I went to shop at Alor Star Mall two weeks ago. I didn't spend much, only about RM200. I bought two tees, a long-sleeve striped polo, a jeans and a trunk underwear. Yesterday with my mom and my sister at city center of Alor Star and I bought my toiletries at Guardian. They bought a lot though, like almost RM600, including their Baju Kurungs at the tailor.
I would like to wish my classmates of 3 Alfa, everyone at Sultan Abdul Hamid College, and my family Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin. To all Malaysian Hindus, Happy Deppavali.
0 comments Labels: day to day, event, holiday, shopping
Bullies in School
Since we (Form Three students) already finished with everything like the PMR etc, the counsellor held an open discussion in the hall yesterday. I say it was very interesting and kind of helpful, and I think the whole form was enjoying it. The open discussion is about bullies in school, which is a very common topic in school, yet still a disease in school. I, sadly took some notes for the sake of the blog.
It started off with the definition of bully. The counsellor asked opinions from us. Some said it means force someone to do something that the one doesn't want to do it, look down on someone and also ragging. Bully is actually to scare people that is small, lack of confidence etc than you. The abuse is usually carried out repeatedly.
From the open discussion, we heard a lot of stories from both bully victims and bullies. The bully victims felt that the bully is out of mind and doesn't care what other people is feeling when they are being bully. The bully victims hid their feelings and never fight back as they don't have the guts or they can afford to do it. From the bullies, when they are bullying someone, the feeling is fun, satisfy and want to do it again. They also feel that they are the greatest and the best among the peer. One of them was also once a bully victim. He got bully by a kid in school that was older than him. He waited for few years, with the feeling of revenge in him. He bullied the bully's brother as soon as he knew that the bully's brother went to the same school as his
After we heard all of the stories, we were asked to draw the face of the bully with his characteristic. Some of the charasteristics are brainless, doesn't know how to think, heartless and sex-addicted LOL In my opinion, the bully doesn't bully other people on his own, instead in a group. They are actually coward because they don't admit what they did. When they got caught, they will realise but it was too late. I really want to kill those people but I'm a good person... :D
The point is don't bully other people that is lack of things than you, e.g. lack of confidence.
3 comments Labels: current issue, school
Raya is Coming Up
Raya (Eid) is getting closer and closer. We have less than two weeks before all the Malaysians and Muslims around the would celebrate Eid. I can't wait for Raya to arrive! School students get a week of Raya day-offs instead of two, after three days of school on three Saturdays last month. The funny thing is my Raya shopping still doesn't start. Usually, I'm the first one to arrive at the shopping mall but then my mom is pretty busy with her work and me with school.
The title says school holidays but I didn't mean Raya school holidays. Instead, the upcoming school holidays in November, a very long holiday before the school starts again with a new term. I already planned for this year's long break. Mom is going to Langkawi for her work next month and Kota Kinabalu in December while my sister is going to Malacca next month, also for her work. My grandma and I already confirmed with Malacca.
Ugh, I just can't resist the urge of shopping. I heard Pacific is having a huge Raya sale. Hmmm... I think I'm going to shop Pacific Alor Star Mall instead of the one in Star Parade since the one is Alor Star Mall has many brands. I really need some new clothes.
0 comments Labels: event, holiday, shopping
An Online Writing by Me
Everyone in school, at that time was into MySpace-ing and Friendster-ing. So Blogger is my medium to stand up from the crowd as (I think) no one in the school owns a blog on Blogger.This is an extract from the article "Blogging Experience: Not That Bad" by
I don't have much to say about the article. I just hope that you guys would read it and give me some comments about it. It's my first online real article. This blog is also considered as my online writings but it's not an article.
1 comments Labels: blog
PMR '06: Ended Today
Being very hard-working in the last two months, the PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah or Lower Secondary Evaluation) exam finally came to an end at 9.30 AM today. What a relieve!! Words can't describe the relieve in me and the rest of the Form Three students in Malysia. I thought the exam would never end :) I'M SPEECHLESS.
First Day
The exam started on Monday, October 2nd with three papers: Bahasa Melayu Paper 1 and 2, and Islamic Religious Education for the Muslims. All these three papers were hard as hell, especially BM Paper 1 and Religious Education.
Second Day
Four papers were served: English Paper 1 and 2, and Science Paper 1 and 2. The second went through very nice and smooth. Not as I expected. I expected Science to be very hard, but it wasn't that hard, so I'm happy!
Third Day
Three papers: Mathematic Paper 1 and 2 and History. Math papers were... easy, not hard at all. I still can't believe. Math is very hard for me usually but it didn't on this day. I was so happy but it ended when I sat for my History paper. It was very normal and typical, like not very easy nor hard.
Fourth Day
Only one paper: Kemahiran Hidup. It was very normal and not really hard, just okay. I went home early since I don't take Chinese, Punjabi etc papers.
Fifth Day
One paper: Geography. Last paper, not that hard and very happy! IT'S OVER!
Since the first day the blog started, I've been talking about PMR a lot. In memory of the PMR exam, below are some of my posts about the exam. Not a lot though:
4 comments Labels: current issue, PMR, school
Class of 2006
The other day (can't remember), the school was having some photograph sessions involving the Form Three to Five classes, clubs, societies and sport teams. My class, 3 Alfa, was the first one on the bill to take photo. The photos are actually for the school's yearly magazine. I'm going to be in the magazine!
In the photo, I'm the 4th in the back row standing. The woman in the middle, front row seating is my class teacher. She teaches us Math. Two of my classmates weren't in the photo. They were absent, shame. I'm in boys' school if you guys still don't know.
I scanned the photo, made some adjustments and came up with this. Scanned photos are low in quality and I hate them actually. I have to pay 50 sen for the photo though. Click on the photo to see the original size. Small size aren't that good.
0 comments Labels: event, photo, school
New fridge and TV
I just got back from an electrical appliances shopping. Our fridge suddenly broke. It won't cool things like it used to. As for our TV, the picture got big and fat, like we only can see half of the picture. The TV issue has been in the house since early this year. At first, the TV was only 95% broke. Eventually, dad has to buy a new one. I hoped that he would buy LCD TV but it was only flat screen from Panasonic.
I noticed the fridge yesterday, the ice in the freezer got melt when I wanted to make a cold drink. I thought someone didn't close the door tightly. This morning, everthing smelled like shit. The fish, meat etc Eww! At 10AM, dad and mom brought me along for the elctrical appliances shopping. So we got ourselves a fridge from Toshiba, RM1290 and a TV from Panasonic, RM955 plus a cookerhood from HesStar, RM400. Everything was credited to my mom's credit card. Everything will be deliver this evening.
2 comments Labels: day to day, shopping
Ramadan starts Sunday*
*subjects to change
Ramadan (fasting month for Muslims), according to calendar will start this Sunday. Ramadan means more delicious food, more shopping and more fun for the children. I'm not a child anyway. I'm a grown-up teenager who don't play mercuns anymore. I never play it anyway since I was born in 1991.
The sad thing, I have to sit my exam while I'm fasting, which will be very tiring. The exam will last in the evening on two or three days. Alright, enough with PMR.
I went to BUM at City Plaza and they have some new arrivals which have caught my eyes, especially a tee that says "I used to have a six-pack" which defintely suits me :P But they were not on sale. I asked the guy there he said he's not sure but of course there will be Raya Sale throughout the mall. So I decided to come back later for the sale.
I'm not going to the tailor for my baju melayu this year too. My last year's baju melayu (traditional costume for Malay males) still fits me and I usually wear once on Hari Raya (the day of celebration after Ramadan) so why waste money on something you wear once?
The photo shows some ketupats that will serve on Hari Raya. I love them!
1 comments Labels: day to day, event, photo, shopping
Time to be more serious
Less than two weeks left for my PMR. Yes, the real one. Again, THE REAL ONE! It is going to happen on 2nd-6th of October 2006. I just realised that I have (to be specific) 13 days left before the exam, and 13 days to complete my revisions. I still haven't mastered everything, especially in History, Geography and Science. These are the three subjects that I suck at. I really have to concentrate on this. I'm going to nail this exam.
As for the school's last preparation, there will be a Yassin recital ceremony this Thursday for all Muslim students including those who are going to sit for SPM and STPM. On that day, there will also a special ceremony for the teachers and students at 11.30AM, then off to Al-Bukhary Complex at 12.30PM for the Yassin recital ceremony. Parents will be there too.
Tomorrow, my mom, sister and grandmother will go to KL for sister's graduation ceremony at Mandarin Oriental Hotel, near KLCC. They thought of bringing me along, but I said I'm currently busy with school and stuff. Hell, 13 days and skip school for two days?! Not going to happen. My dad also busy with his work so he can't go too. So that leaves the three of us (me, dad and bro) for four days starting tomorrow.
1 comments Labels: photo, PMR, school
Great (short) Vacation
UPDATED with some photos.
I forgot to mention that I went to KL from Wednesday to Saturday, yesterday. It was a mini vacation for me. I went there with my mom and her colleagues and stayed at Vistana Hotel, near the Titiwangsa train station. Although I went with them, but I'm on my own as soon as we arrived there. The main activity was... shopping! Hell, it's crazy over there. Mega Sale is going on nationwide, but KL offers the best sale ever. My total spending is approximately RM280, okay price. But my mom is like RM400-600.
We (my mom and I) went to shop at The Curve and I went to Suria KLCC while my mom at Putrajaya and Sogo. I bought not alot of stuff, just few items including tee, polo, wallet, khaki, and sandal. My favorite thing is the wallet, from Topshop for RM49. The khaki is made from Lycra, which is stretch and durable piece of cloth from Baleno for only RM49.50 from RM99. Other stuff from PDI, Giordano and Bata. The above and below photos was taken at Bukin Gantang's R&R in Perak.
Unfortunately, I stuck at KLCC underground train station for about two hours due to flash flood at Sri Rampai station. I had to stand there and my feet was killing me since I've been walking around the mall for the whole day. I went to the station about 6PM, then wait till about 8.30PM. The train was overloaded. I took the train to Masjid Jamek for line transferring and the road was full of mud. Took another train and arrived at the hotel at about 9.30PM. It's a shame that I didn't bring the camera. Refer to this news. Left is a bridge in Putrajaya.I took some photos and it will come up soon.
1 comments Labels: holiday, photo, shopping
Hard Time - Less than Four Weeks
Yes, I am right now. I'm really worry about my PMR exam this October. I haven't master everything from Form One to Three. I have like less than four weeks before the exam starts. Time flies very fast and day by day I'm getting closer to the exam. In school, the teachers went alot of revisions with us, including Math and Science, which I hate the most and bad at it. But it's pretty good since most of us (I think) don't make any revisions at home.
The school, last week changed the current timetable to a new one. Sadly, they took out PE and Art. Again, they changed it again, with more periods for each subject. Technically, not add more periods but like Geography used to be three periods for three days but now two periods for one day. I'm so going to fall asleep is Geography class. Talking about Geography, everyone seems crazy for the teacher's daughter. Oh yeah, she's cute.
Another thing is I really have to get away from the Net. I'm crazy about the Net, especially blogging. It really distracts from studying, but I figured out that if I'm not on the Net then probably day-dreaming. I have another problem which is lack of self-esteem. I feel like I can't get straight A's in PMR. Parents-Teachers Meeting is coming up this Thursday. At last, my secret which is C in my last trial exam will be reveal!
0 comments Labels: PMR, school
49 Years of Malaysia
Happy Merdeka Day! 49 years seem to be fast, according to my grandma. She's almost 60. Unfortunately, it's been raining since yesterday in Alor Star and I really don't know what happen to the Merdeka parade at Pekan Rabu. This morning was supposed to be a Merdeka parade, but due to rain I think they cancelled it. I just have to wait the news from my friend who joins the parade.
As of me, I just got up and watch the National Merdeka Parade in Kuching, Sarawak. The parade is very colourful and creative. The field show by school students is amazing. Patriotic songs, red, blue, yellow, white etc. This year they chose Kuching as the host for National Merdeka Parade. Last year was Kuantan, Pahang. I hope the choose Alor Star near in the future.
I'm going to Penang at 10AM. Getting a shower now.
0 comments Labels: national
Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
Keranamu Malaysia
*currently watching Merdeka celebration live from Kuching, Sarawak.
0 comments Labels: national
Congrats to Datuk K and Datin Siti
This is the moment that we've been waiting for. Siti Nurhaliza, also known as Datin Siti Nurhaliza has chose Datuk Khalid Mohamad Jiwa aka Datuk K as her husband. The akad nikah ceremony was held at Federal Territory Mosque in Kuala Lumpur, and wedding reception at the glamorous Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC) near Petronas Twin Towers. TV3 as the official broadcaster, broadcasted the live telecasts of the akad nikah ceremony and the wedding reception aswell as delayed telecast of wedding reception in Kuala Lipis, Pahang; Siti's hometown.
I saw the wedding reception and it was like a fairytake wedding reception. It totally deserves the title "Malaysia's Wedding of the Year". The key people for her wedding are Datuk Shah Reza, the wedding planner and five Malaysia's top designers including Micheal Ong and Radzuan Radzwill. The reception in KLCC alone costs about half a million ringgits, that is USD135,ooo. Refer to this news.
Since TV3 is the official station for Siti's wedding, RTM and Astro on the other hand tried to compete with TV3. RTM and Astro served Ina and Mawi, another hot ex-couple on the same day, same time but on different channel; RTM1 and Astro Ria. I can't believe that a goverment-owned TV station (RTM) did this.
Congratulation Datuk Khalid Mohamad Jiwa and Datin Siti Nurhaliza.
Other news on Google News.
0 comments Labels: current issue
Holidays are back
For these holidays, I'll be attending the school's extra classes on Friday till Monday, which mean it starts tomorrow. Then, I have one day free on Tuesday. After that, I'm going to KL from Wednesday till Saturday and back to school again on Sunday. The extra classes part isn't that good. But at least, I'm not going to spend the nights at the hostel. I hate it! [refer to this post]
Recently, I got my results back. BAD! As I expected but not what I wanted. 5 As, 2 Bs and 1 C. Can't believe I have to get a C. The C was History with the marks of 53?! Ugh. I'm so stupid at History :P The rests are okay. I only have to worry about History and Geography because these two are the lowest, C and 65 B respectively, but I do have to worry everything cause I DIDN'T GET STRAIGHT A. I'm like 2 marks away from A for Mathematic. The school is dissappointed with all of us because only seven people who made straight A.
I'm currently listening to Utada Hikaru. Her songs are like bomb. So far, for J-Pop genre, I like Utada and Ayumi Hamasaki. They both are cute but I think Ayu is cuter than Utada :D
0 comments Labels: holiday, school
I knew this is going to happen
Malaysia fines Pussycat Dolls organizers - Yahoo! News
Yes, the link says it all. Duh, like so obvious. They wore skimpy clothes like in their Buttons. I knew this is going to happen from the first time I saw the video [refer to this post].
"The Pussycat Dolls were guilty of performing sexually suggestive routines on stage," council President Mohamad Arif Abdul Rahman was quoted as saying. "In terms of their eye-popping attire, well, there's a lot of proof of that from our sources and the media."Yep, they were very sexually sexy and not allow of course in Malaysia. They should respect our rules because
The government in this Southeast Asian nation had previously warned Western artistes not to be too "raunchy" so as not to offend local sensitivities when performing in Malaysia.
When Grammy-winning rap-rock band Linkin Park performed in Malaysia in 2003, the Ministry of Culture and Arts warned them not to wear shorts, scream or exhibit raunchy behavior. The following year, Mariah Carey was told to "dress accordingly" for her concert.
Oh well, it's already in past. I hope there will be no such thing as this in future and I didn't know Mariah Carey came to Malaysia?!
0 comments Labels: current issue, entertainment
New Edited Photos
In a park beside the Sydney Opera House.
Emo photo of me.
0 comments Labels: holiday, photo
PMR Trial Exam
This week, I was having my PMR trial exam, about maybe 2 weeks before pre-PMR and 2 months before the real PMR. I just don't understand why they have to make alot of exams before the real one starts. So anyway, the exam, as expected by me would be hard as I could imagine. I made my revisions about a week before it.
The First Day
The exam started with three papers: Bahasa Melayu paper one and two and Science paper one. Bahasa Melayu was okay for me, but I'm not too confident with both. I think I did okay for Science, it was in two languages. So far, so good.
The Second Day
I had three papers: English paper one and two and Science paper two. The first paper for English was basically MCQ paper and essay writing for paper two. I fucked up Science paper two.
The Third Day
Only two papers for this day: Islamic Religious Education and Mathematic paper two. Both are okay except on Math, I flunked locus question. Arrgh!
The Fourth Day
Three papers: History, Mathematic paper one and Geography. On this day we can keep the question papers, which eventually freaked me out. I think I got B for my Geography :'( Plus, I didn't do the last four questions of Math and two questions that I skipped in the back which made up a total of six questions because I was running out of time. History was like bleh (not good).
The Fifth Day
Only one paper for today: Life's Skills. This is the only paper that I think I can score.
Today, they gave us a new timetable. It turns out to be the same which relieved most of us as we don't have to sacrifice our sweet Sunday. Wish me luck on getting the results!
10 comments Labels: PMR, school
Dead Man's Chest - Terrific!
I went to see Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest with my sister at City Plaza. One word: Wow! This one is better than The Curse of the Black Pearl and Johnny Depp, played as Captain Jack Sparrow is funny than ever before. I watched The Curse of the Black Pearl couple of weeks ago on TV3, so it's not so hard to link between these two.
The movie rated U or G in Malaysia and Quebec, Canada. These are the only two places that rated this movie as G. The casts are Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. Both movies are good. Another sequel is coming out, where their mission is to rescue Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones on May 25, 2007. The title is At World's End.
0 comments Labels: entertainment
Kitty Kitty - The Pussycat Dolls Live in Malaysia
More PCD Live in Malaysia at
1 comments Labels: entertainment
I'm Back in Business
Yep, that's it. It's been only 17 days but I can't help my urge to blog. I love blogging! Finally I found something that I really love to do it. So many days, so much to tell and so little time. Few interesting things happened in my life in the last 17 days.
First thing is, my aunt is currently in Japan. Coolness! The government sent her there for some agricultural stuff which I think... okay for the modern world. She's basically moving around Japan including Tokyo. Talking about my aunt, her daughter finally can walk at the age of 11 months, about few weeks ago. She will turn a year this August. I think her parents decided to celebrate her birthday back in Kedah. Happy Pre-Birthday Aleesya!
Another major news is I moved back my house, after living with my grandma for about 12 years. I think she's pretty upset about but she got over it after a week eventually. She's currently in KL, taking care of her grandchild. Well sadly, I made a terrible mistake. I shouldn't move back because... life with parents is suck ass, badly. Trust me, and I have nothing to say about this, keep it to myself. I'm going back to my grandma.
Finally, I'm feeling the heat of PMR. The heat getting hot this Sunday with trial exam *suspense music* Again, nothing to say about this except I'm fucking nervous as hell. I've been making some revisions in the last two weeks.
Add me on Friendster :P
0 comments Labels: day to day
WC06 Grand Finale: Italy versus France
I got nothing more to say about Italy meeting France this morning at 2am, live from Berlin on RTM1, RTM2, NTV7 and Astro.I'm going for France. GO FRANCE! Star players for France:
- Patrick Vieira
- Zinedine Zidane
- Thierry Henry
- Frank Ribery
- Match Details between Italy and France - live photos, Match Cast and news
- Team France
- Team Italy
On the other hand, FIFA just launched a logo for the South Africa 2010. Click here for the article.
The official logo of the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa.
0 comments Labels: current issue, entertainment
France versus Italy in the final
France scored 1-0 against Portugal on Zidane's penalty kick. Poor Portugal, this was their first time playing in the semi-final. They played very good. The ref gave France a penalty kick and Zidane didnt blow up the chance. France scored one goal on Zidane's penalty kick. Photos:
- The Official Site of FIFA World Cup
- World Cup 2006 @ The Star
- Match Details between France and Portugal - video highlights, MatchCast and news
2 comments Labels: current issue, entertainment
Lame but Great Saturday: Photos
Referring to my last entry, these are the photos:
Georgetown from the Penang Bridge. I was in the bus on this photo.
The environment around the Jerjak Resort and Spa. I took this photo as soon as I arrived on the island.
Having fun at the pool.
Me at the lobby.
Most of the photos I took THIS TIME are quite boring and less attractive.
2 comments Labels: holiday, photo
Lame but Great Saturday
This entry was supposed to be written yesterday, but didn't have the time to come online. So, I went to Jerjak Island in Penang on Saturday for a family day, organised by my mom's society which I think VERY LAME. The place is great, really great. It's Jerjak Island Resort and Spa. I just love the environment there, like greeny, fresh etc. The photos will come up this weekend.
Too bad, Saturday was a rain day and flash flood back in Alor Star. We can't have any beach activities. But at least, we played some pool ball? Or whatever you called that, at their swimming pool. Lunch was great. The mushroom soup is ten times better than Pizza Hut's. I didn't go to school yesterday because I was too 'tired' but hell, the school is busy with the awards day.
0 comments Labels: day to day, holiday
Busy, Busy, Busy
It's almost 2 weeks since I last updated this blog. Like the title says, I'm super busy since last week till tomorrow, I guess. The school will be having awards day in July, so next week will be a very busy week but excluding me. New principal came to my school, replacing the current one. Not really new principal as he came in 2001, out in 2004 and came back this year again. Welcome Mr. Morazuki!
I was busy with reports in last week, and taking nap after school in this week :P I take nap after school so that I can watch the World Cup matches at night. But only matches that start around 8-10pm. Germany is my team, but I go for other teams, depending on the match like I went for Italy because I hate the US and etc. South Korea is pretty good. Talking about the World Cup, the US is so going home. And sadly for Togo, they're already out. The next match is nothing for them, just completing the schedule.
Good news for me this weekend. My mom and I are going to Jerjak Island in Penang, so fun this Saturday! They have spa on the island which I think pretty cool. Penang is like second best place in Malaysia after KL. It's raining heavily outside...
0 comments Labels: current issue, day to day, school
A time to make friends -- In Germany!
The world cup started yesterday at 11PM with ntv7, RTM and Astro as the official broadcasters in Malaysia. I watched the first match between Germany and Costa Rica, 4-2 on RTM1. It was an interesting match, like the Germans scored the first goal on the fifth minute and Costa Ricans five minutes later. But I think that's the only match I watched for the world because the school will start tomorrow. I'm gonna miss the whole thing...
I got few hours left before my bed time, get up and go to school. Yes, the school will start tomorrow eventually. School break for two weeks is coming to an end. But I'm pretty happy today, I finished all my reports and homeworks and... Went to shop yesterday! Shopping is best part of the holiday. I thought I wasn't gonna make it for my reports and homeworks but I managed to finish everything up. Phew... Detail on shopping is on The Pop.
1 comments Labels: current issue, day to day, entertainment, shopping
One week to go
Time flies very fast. A week of my school holiday already in past. So far, I did nothing fun. Just sitting here, blogging and trying to figure out this History report. Gosh, this report confuses me. I hate it when I'm confused. I already did half for my Kemahiran Hidup and Geography reports. I just wish I could go shopping again because the last time aren't enough. I FUCKING NEED MORE CLOTHES!
So, I have another week before the school opens. Ahh... Unfortunately, the extra classes will be running as usual again. As I mentioned in The Pop, I'm currently addicted to Ayumi Hamasaki!!
0 comments Labels: day to day, holiday, school
The Pop of My Life
Behold, the sister of This is a Blog by yit4sThe Pop of My LifeAnother blog by me. Go visit the blog now.
http://thepopofmylife.blogspot.comI'm so happy with my new blog. This blog still running. The other blog is just another topic of my life. So don't waste your time, go visit the blog now.
7 comments Labels: blog, day to day
MyTeam versus Malaysia
National Squad Beat MyTeamKUALA LUMPUR, May 29 (Bernama) -- A national squad made up mostly of under-20 players beat MyTeam, an amateur football team, 2-1 at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium here Sunday night.
MyTeam were formed after a nationwide search in February and trained under the supervision of former national player Serbegeth Singh while the national under-20 were strengthened with three senior national players -- K. Nanthkumar, Indra Putra Mahyuddin and Muhamad Khaironnisam Shahbudin as the skipper.
Among the spectators were Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Azalina Othman Said.
MyTeam scored first in the 24th minute through T. Arun Kumar after receiving a cross from S. Sathiyanseelan,
They lost their captain Hasmizam Kamarodin while the national squad lost Mohd Zaquan Adha in the 42nd minute after they were sent off.
In the second half, Under-20 coach K. Rajagobal changed tactics by fielding his original under-20 team and this paid off in the 64th minute when Mohd Aidil Zafuan made it 1-1.
In the 75th minute, the national team scored again through Farderin Kadir's left-footed kick.
Serbegeth said: "If the result determines MyTeam's success, then we have failed. But I am sure MyTeam have been successful because they have showed a good performance."
He said the six-week training was enough for the team and now it was up to the management to announce their future.
IT WAS A FANTASTIC GAME! Last night, Malaysia team beats MyTeam, which was formed 3 months ago under Shebby Sigh coaching. The score was 2-1. MyTeam gets the first goal on first half period. God, I thought Malaysia is going to lose but then they scored two goals on the second half period. The game was aired on TV3, starting 8.30PM till 11PM. I missed the first 30 minutes of Gol dan Gincu on 8TV.
Check out these links:
- Google News search results on MyTeam
- MyTeam Not So Shabby by News Straits Times
- Faderin saves Malaysia the blushes by scoring winner by The Star
0 comments Labels: current issue, entertainment, national
It's over, finally and It's on!
After going through a very long and tired week, school is finally off for the next 16 days. I'm very glad. We played alot during this week.
For those who don't know, Kedah is the host for the 11th Malaysian Games or SUKMA. It started yesterday, Wednesday. So far, Kedah is on the 5th place in the medal tally with six golds , a silver and three bronzes. Penang is on the 1st place. Information on events, schedules and medal tally are available on this website.
Alor Star is pretty busy and full of lights and sounds at night. They put alot of SUKMA banners around the city. My school is also one of the venues, rugby is the game for my school. The school janitors started to mown and water the field since few months ago. It looks beautiful though. I just can't fucking stand with traffic around the city, lots of cars and no parking at all.
Anyway, go Kedah!
1 comments Labels: holiday, national, school
I just got back from the bowling alley in City Plaza, played 3 games with few of my friends. Had so much fun! I suck at it, the lowest on the score board. I don't go bowl very often, just playing it for fun sometime. We had roti canai for lunch which is very odd, no one eats roti canai during lunch hour lol
BUT, my favorite part is yesterday. I went shopping with my mom! WTF lol It's been like forever since the last time I bought new clothes. My mom was extremely generous yesterday, she used her credit card at check-out. I felt very guilty. I asked her before whether she has some $$$ or not before going in to the store. She just like don't bother about it. So I was like "Hmmm... Okay, I need new clothes anyway" lol
Since we were running out of time and it was after school, I just got myself 3 items which a jean (RM54.50 after RM109) and 2 tops, a long-sleeve polo with stripes (RM27.90 after RM59.90) and a shirt that says Liverpool 60 (RM27.75). They are on sale so w00t! All these are from BUM.
0 comments Labels: day to day, shopping
Windows Media Player 11 BETA
Microsft just launched the Beta version of Windows Media Player 11. Download from here. This version is actually part of the new Windows Vista, that will ship by the end of this year, I think. WMP 11 is currently available for XP, and ME and below users probably can say goodbye :P Microsoft also said that they are no longer support Windows ME and 98.
The interface of WMP 11 is very pretty and clean. I really like the intergration of URGE by MTV. It is an online music store by MTV *coughs*iTunes*coughs*, exclusively for WMP. The Info Center View uses URGE as source of information, shows more information too. At first, I was very confused with the way it works, totally different from the last version. I had to re-manage my library, since I've been using iTunes. Overall, iTunes sound so much better, although WMP get the credit for design. Here's the screenshot of Windows Media Player 11 BETA:
0 comments Labels: computer, entertainment
I've been wating for these!
ALOR STAR, May 18 (Bernama) -- Telekom Malaysia (TM) will expand its 3G (third generation) services to more locations around the country, its chairman Tan Sri Md Radzi Mansor said.Finally, 3G is coming to town. I'm too lazy to explain about 3G, read this instead.
He said since the launch last year, the 3G services now covered major locations like the Klang Valley, Penang, Melaka, Johor Bahru, Genting Highlands, and Sungai Petani and Kulim in Kedah.
Speaking to reporters after the official opening of Kompleks TM here, he said Alor Star would be the first location to have 3G services this year.
Bernama Malaysia
I got an invitation to use the new Windows Live Mail Beta. It took several days before I actually get to use it. So this is the screenshot of Windows Live Mail Beta:
0 comments Labels: computer, national
Ugh Stupid Bitches!
God, they reviewed my blog for the first time. I'm not going to tell who they are but basically they hate everyone. I'm not going to post their review either. The reviewer called as MercilessMinx. Oh yeah, she is mercyless lol I just wanted to say few things though:
Can’t have a Malaysian blog without photos of food now can we?Bah, we love food so SHUT UP!
Some of the photos are so huge they practically take up the whole screen, effectively sending the sidebar to the bottom of the screen.Bitches, I just want to remind you that this blog in only compatible with Firefox. You should read this first.
Oh, and I hate tag boards. WUSSUUPPPPP!!!!!11!!1 HI!!! THANKS 4 VISSTING MY BLOGG!!! Pointless waste of time and space.Mhmm... I think this ain't true, is it? I don't think there are such posts in the Tagboard, no?
I'm not mad though but their website is really interesting. Goodday!
0 comments Labels: blog, day to day
Late Night Entry
*yawns* It's 12.54am in the morning. I can't sleep. Well, I just finished watching Big Momma's House on TV 50 minutes ago. It was funny and hilarious *yawns* Hmmm... I thought of something to write just now but mind just blank at the moment.
Last night, I saw Finding Nemo on Disney. Also one of my favorite. I like the character Dori. She suffers from short-term memory lost LOL I really like all the names she gave to Nemo. Fabio, Chico etc all rhyme with Nemo. What else..? Oh yeah, I downloaded the Windows Live Messenger aka MSN Messenger 8. Still in Beta version but I really like the look. Got it from here.
0 comments Labels: computer, day to day, entertainment
Random Photos
Found these two photos on my Photobucket account.
0 comments Labels: day to day, photo
The Center of Attention
I don't know whether this is a fun day or not at school. But I would called it very interesting. I became the center of attention today during English lesson. It was when the bell about to ring. We were discussing about this passage on the book, about a girl missing. Then, teacher asked everyone why did she ran away? I put up my hand and said that the girl is pregnant.
Everyone started to laugh and so did I. Elaboration... I can't really remember what I said but I think I said about the girl has boyfriend and they make 'stuff', the couple didn't use any protection etc. And everyone started to laugh, again. But seriously, my point is totally right :D
During Science lesson, we had to carry out an experiment. It was about fractional distillation for oil. We did it and after it had finish, water from the beaker went into the hot oil and whooosh!!! It exploded. The oil went up to the ceiling and I think the thermometer broke. This is my group and I'm not sure whether I did put the water or not :P It was the first explosion in the school lab. Gosh, what a day...
3 comments Labels: day to day, school
OMG Audi A4
I just got back from riding 2005 Audi A4, belongs to a friend of my dad. He basically owns few luxury cars before this like BMW etc. Ah, it was superb! Like the audio, 10 times better than my dad's Toyota Wish. It uses Bose Audio. I remember when my dad owned a Mercedes-Benz C200 K. Gosh, good times!
Here are some few links:
0 comments Labels: day to day
Hmmm... It's Friday
My sister, brother and I went to Penang today, sister's house in Taman Sutera. We did nothing actually besides getting the house ready for a family renting the house. Hmmm... Electrician came to set up the fans, lamps etc, then went to Carrefour for lunch, then went back for the plumber to do his thing. Yes, it was boring and tiring.
We arrived in Alor Star around 7pm then my brother and I went to the new airport. The airport is pretty cool for a domestic. I heard it's an international airport but whatever. Probably, flights from Bangkok, Singapore, Indonesian etc Just around the neighbourhood. The state government spend a lot of money for SUKMA. I see a lot of changes to Alor Star since its first day as a city. I wish they would build more shopping malls.
Lastest news in school: Mid-Term Exam from May 15 and as usual, haven't open a single book yet for revision. Gosh, I'm so lazy...
0 comments Labels: current issue, day to day, national
Road to Straight A's: Photos
Yes! I just got back from the seminar and it was REALLY fun! Better than hostel-camp thingy. Here are the photos:
Friends at the lobby before check-in.
The first morning tea-break at 10am. They are all my classmates.
Check-in at 12pm. We got a pretty decent room but not really bad. The room has an extra bed in the middle.
Having fun at the pool.
More fun!
Dinner time. The food is good. Here, I had some salad, rice, chicken etc
Breakfast this morning. Fried rice, baked beans etc
Me at breakfast this morning.
Had a party last night. What a mess! It was fun though.
And this is a scenery early in the morning.
Maybe I will post some more. To my friends, if you want more, just leave your comment here.
2 comments Labels: day to day, photo, school