PMR '06: Ended Today

Being very hard-working in the last two months, the PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah or Lower Secondary Evaluation) exam finally came to an end at 9.30 AM today. What a relieve!! Words can't describe the relieve in me and the rest of the Form Three students in Malysia. I thought the exam would never end :) I'M SPEECHLESS.

First Day
The exam started on Monday, October 2nd with three papers: Bahasa Melayu Paper 1 and 2, and Islamic Religious Education for the Muslims. All these three papers were hard as hell, especially BM Paper 1 and Religious Education.

Second Day
Four papers were served: English Paper 1 and 2, and Science Paper 1 and 2. The second went through very nice and smooth. Not as I expected. I expected Science to be very hard, but it wasn't that hard, so I'm happy!

Third Day
Three papers: Mathematic Paper 1 and 2 and History. Math papers were... easy, not hard at all. I still can't believe. Math is very hard for me usually but it didn't on this day. I was so happy but it ended when I sat for my History paper. It was very normal and typical, like not very easy nor hard.

Fourth Day
Only one paper: Kemahiran Hidup. It was very normal and not really hard, just okay. I went home early since I don't take Chinese, Punjabi etc papers.

Fifth Day
One paper: Geography. Last paper, not that hard and very happy! IT'S OVER!

Since the first day the blog started, I've been talking about PMR a lot. In memory of the PMR exam, below are some of my posts about the exam. Not a lot though:


Crystal Colloid Cum said...

Thank Goodness! It IS a relief to know that you think BM Paper 1 is hard. I nearly cried when I was answering the paper.

Science wasn't particularly hard, but no doubt it was very tiring to answer paper 2. There were so many questions asking (demanding) for explanations! I'd rather answer a typical one, like those asking for ohm's law, acid/alkali.

Mathematics is too easy if you ask me.I'm saying so not because I'm very good in Maths, but because even Standard 6 Maths requires you to think more and think twice. They're not just asking questions like "Simplify n^5 *(n^2)^3".

I found KH very very hard.

Geography is ok.

*Hope we'll score well for the exam. :)

Cherry Popcorn said...

Hey... Congratulations on your completion of your PMR!!! Hav fun enjoying it now.. =)

Take care..

Dumb&D said...

Yes, Delusion. Math was easy. I just don't wanna brag so much about it. I may get other than A for Math :)

Sasi a.k.a Saz said...

awsome awsome stuff you got here dude - mind me this aint a spam advertisment-- and to know that ur 15 this year --- bravo :)